Lara is the mother of 8-month-old Carys and has been building her stash since the day she found out she was pregnant. Literally. You can read more of her blog here.
Cloth diaper addicts like myself horde diapers like they're rare collectibles - which may explain the frantic buy/sell/trade forums that are all over the place.
When I was building my stash during my pregnancy, I decided that I would try a crap ton of different diapers and sell what I didn't love, and then add more of what I did.
That actually worked really well. I have tried almost all "big" brands of diapers at least once, along with a bunch of smaller, WAHM brands. After eight months of doing the buy/sell/trade dance, I'm pretty happy with what I have. I still have a wide variety, but it's definitely gone from 100 different diapers to a handful of main brands. These are the ones that work for us. They might not be the ones that work for you; in fact, you may have tried them and hated them. And that's the beauty of cloth diapering: there are SO MANY options that you're sure to find something that works for you eventually! And it likely won't be the exact thing that works for someone else.
I got most of these used or on sale, but not all, and won quite a few in contests/giveaways as well.
This picture is several months old and a few things have changed since then!
So, my entire stash right IN USE now consists of (deep breath!):
12 bumGenius sized AIOs (size M)
9 GroVia AIOs
8 bumGenius Elementals
3 Tots Bots Easy Fit AIO
1 ones&twos AIO
1 Mamamade (Etsy) AI2
1 BeBeBritches AI2
1 Doodle Dype AI2
4 Applecheeks pockets (size 2)
2 AMP pockets
2 SunBaby pockets
1 Alva pocket
1 FuzziBunz Elite
1 Blissful Booty Perfect Pocket
1 Kawaii Good Night Heavy Wetter
3 Monkey Snuggles fitteds
2 Goodmama GoodNights fitteds
2 Twinkie Tush fitteds
2 Tangerine Baby fitteds
2 Goodmama fitteds
1 Orange Diaper Company fitted
1 Swaddle in Cloth (Etsy) fitted (size M)
2 Best Bottoms covers
1 Rumparooz cover
1 Baby BeeHinds cover
1 Thirsties cover (size 2)
Other things:
40 or so cloth wipes (various sources)
12 or so fleece liners
8-10 hemp inserts (Artsy Fartsy Foo Foo and BabyKicks JoeyBunz Premium)
5 Blissful Booty stay-dry doublers
4 Best Bottoms inserts
3 wool soakers (Wild Coconut Wear and Woolly Bottoms)
3 wool longies (WAHM, Wild Coconut Wear, and SBish)
2 Kissaluvs pail liners
1 S Planetwise wetbag
1 M Planetwise wetbag
1 L Planetwise wetbag
1 Rumparooz pail liner
1 Rumparooz wetbag
1 Knickernappies diaper sprayer
Everything is one-size unless otherwise indicated. Of all of these, the GroVia AIOs, bumGenius Elementals, and Tots Bots Easy Fits are my go-to diapers. I loved the fit of the AppleCheeks size 1s on her, but the size 2s are still a bit bulky and big. I'm surprisingly loving my one FuzziBunz Elite (I hated the old one) and though I just got the Blissful Booty pocket, I'm really liking it as well.
The bumGenius sized AIOs are almost exclusively used for my husband and our sitter who watches Carys one day a week. I also use them when I got out and expect that other people might be changing her (my mom always volunteers). They're just
really easy - not even any rise snaps to confuse. Literally the closet you can get to a disposable. So while I love them and they get used ALL the time,
I don't use them often because I save them for others.
The fitteds are used mostly at night, but as you can see we have plenty to choose from, so they do get used during the day - mostly coverless during the day to get some more, ahem, air flow down there. I can't wait until summer when she can run around outside in just a fitted and t-shirt! I love them all, but the Monkey Snuggles fit my daughter best.
Why so many wetbags and pail liners? Well. Our dirty diaper system consists of a large hanging wetbag in her room, the contents of which I transfer to a diaper pail in the laundry room every night (her room is tiny with no room for a diaper pail, but 2 or 3 days worth of diapers don't fit in a large hanging wetbag). After using them just fine for seven months, when we started spraying our diapers, I found that our PlanetWise wetbags leak. A lot. They worked fine for "normal" diapers - even very wet ones - but just can't handle the dripping wetness that comes from a sprayed diaper. The Kissaluvs pail liners work okay and weren't leaking per se, but I always get condensation inside the diaper pail. I'd heard good things about the RaR bags, so I got a wetbag and pail liner to try and they haven't leaked yet! I use the RaR wetbag and pail liner now whenever possible, and just use the large PW bag and Kissaluvs liners when the RaRs are in the wash. Unfortunately, since the RaR wetbags only come in one size, I still have to use the small/medium PW wetbags in the diaper bag, but since diapers in the diaper bag are rarely soaking wet, I haven't had an issue with leaking there.
This does not include any of our newborn diapers or diapers that we've
grown out of or are to small for still. And I have a
handful of diapers in the "thinking about selling" pile that aren't
listed here, as well as a couple dozen prefolds.
Eeek. No one show this post to my husband!
Any questions about my stash or any of the diapers listed? Ask in the comments!